Friday, November 24, 2006

Success, Failure and Lobster

To start, tonight was great, I did well and I made lots in tips, did a few longer runs and had over all a great night. People tipped a lot tonight and that always helps. I dunno if I just ran into the nice people or I was just providing exceptional service. But regardless tonight was successful!

A guy I picked up who I told about this Blog told me to Google the word "Failure", if you want to try it your self you will be surprised by the first result, however I don't think it will remain the same once George W finds out. The people from Google are great!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhh yes and Lobster, wonderful food and a great resource here in Atlantic Canada. It tastes great and the men who set traps and catch these delicious little devils tend to tip really good especially when they are on there way home from the local strip club. In 20 minutes these lobster fishermen gave me $45.00 for a 12 dollar fare. They insisted that they pay me more every few minutes even though I told them $12 was enough for the 5 minute ride and 15 minutes of laughter and time it took to get these guys out of the cab.
So god bless Lobster fishermen, and keep them safe so they can come home and spend their money in my Cab!

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