Friday, March 16, 2007

Gotta stay in the Cab if you wanna make money!

I now have this stupid cold which really sucks and it makes me tired at the wrong times of the day. For the last week I have been up before I normally am hacking and spewing up god knows what and when I drive cab I get sleepy after 2am. it really sucks crap!

It is so slow as of late it needs to pick up so I can pay some bills. Missing the weekends this month have had an effect on the amount of cash in my wallet. I guess I'll have to catch up when my pay from the other Job comes in at the end of the month.

Drivin cab over the past few years has make me sooooo inpatient when it come to money. I hate waiting for pay checks now it sucks.

Driving for Eastlink has gave me a good break from the slobs who pay my bills on the weekends. I guess it's not all bad but when you drive cab you get so used to havin cash in hand!

I'll be jetting to Halifax in that big storm coming on Saturday I hope it goes well. We have 30 passengers I think. SO we will use all 3 of our vans and we'll travel together so we should be ready to face O'l Jack Frost and his last stand.

Stopped at the Toll highway in Nova Scotia with my wingman on a recent trip to Halifax.

1 comment:

F.B. Cabby said...

sounds like your getting burned out buddy...take a step and then take a deep breath! hang in there!